Datadog CLI

The Datadog CLI lets you query logs from your terminal. If you're querying aggregated logs, this also gives you the option to disaggregate them into individual log lines.


git clone
cd dd-cli
yarn && yarn build
npm link


nimbus logs

Search across dd logs. The following environmental variables need to be set in
order to run this command: DD_SITE, DD_API_KEY, DD_APP_KEY

      --version                             Show version number        [boolean]
      --help                                Show help                  [boolean]
  -q, --query                               dd log query     [string] [required]
  -f, --from                                time in the following format:
                                                             [string] [required]
      --to, --t, desc: "time in the
      following format:
      2024-02-14T11:35:00-08:00"                             [string] [required]
  -i, --indexes                             log indexes to search
                                                     [array] [default: ["main"]]
  -d, --disaggregate                        disaggregate aggregated logs


Replace env variables with your org specific values

# regular query
env DD_SITE="***" DD_API_KEY="***" DD_APP_KEY="***" dd-cli logs -q "service:elb " -f "2024-02-14T11:35:00-08:00" -t "2024-02-14T11:38:00-08:00"

# query with log disaggregation
env DD_SITE="***" DD_API_KEY="***" DD_APP_KEY="***" dd-cli logs -q "service:elb " -f "2024-02-14T11:35:00-08:00" -t "2024-02-14T11:38:00-08:00" -d

Last updated